Shipping based on the shipping units entered for each product

You can also set this up based on different types of arrays depending on your needs, the shipping units field in products will be used with this unit based shipping. Please note, If you are offering Gift Certificates shipping charges will not be applied.

Option 3:
Shipping is calculated by the number entered in the shipping units field in your products.
We set up this method by default with 1.00 entered, so that you can add a specific amount to each product

Log into your mals-e account.


Click on cart setup.


Click on shipping.


Click on the radio button next to the text that says "Option 3:Calculated from weight or other value".


In the box underneath enter the fixed value. Each shipping unit will be multiplied by the value entered in option 3 for all products.


Log into your website manager


Click on products


Click on add or edit.


Enter the amount of shipping units for this product




Option 5: This option will allow you to offer up to 5 shipping methods (zones), you can configure each  zone based on the shipping units specified for each product.


Complete the first three steps from above.


Click on the radio button next the text that says "Option 5: Calculated by weight or other value from an array".

DO NOT check the box next to "Automatically set units to equal the price (shipping by value)" this will change you shipping method to be based on price.


Scroll down to the SHIPPING ZONE TABLES


Set the number of zones you need (1 -5)


In the first field, enter the name of the zone. This will be displayed as a choice to select from if you have more then one zone.


The second field labeled units will be the quantity, enter the number of items you need in the cart for this price (tier).


The third field is for the amount you want to charge.


We will set up one zone as an example


Log into your website manager


Click on products


Click on add or edit.


Enter the amount of shipping units for this product


Each shipping unit will be multiplied by the value entered in option 3 for all products.

With this method you will need to define the cost of the shipping units. You have 5 arrays (tiers) to work with. Here is an example of shipping based on weight (oz.) up to 5lbs. We only have 5 arrays (tiers) to work with so your shipping needs to be specified within these arrays, after you have reached the 5th array (the rest) you have maxed out the calculator. This is just one example, you can set the unit to represent anything you want.  


In the example above, the shipping charge for the first 16 oz (shipping units). is 4.05 and the next 16 oz (shipping units) will cost 6.05 so if you purchase weigh 5 lbs your cost will be 12.80.

If the total weight of your items are 10oz.
(10 shipping units)
 Units:   Cost:
16   4.05
10   4.05
If the total weight of you items are 3lbs. (48oz.)(48 shipping units)
 Units:   Cost:
16   4.05
16   2.00
16   2.95
48   9.00
If the total weight of your items 5 lbs. (80oz.) (80 shipping units)
 Units:   Cost:
16   4.05
16   2.00
16   2.95
16   1.90
The rest   1.90
80oz. and over   12.80


This is only one example of using shipping units based shipping, you can create your own formula based on anything.



Option 7:
The principle is exactly the same as option 5 but each unit is multiplied by the cost.

Complete the first three steps from above.

Click on the radio button next the text that says "Option 7: Calculated by weight or other value in bands".


We will use this example to explain the difference between option 5 and option 7


The cart will add up all of the shipping units set for each product. In the example above the first 5 units are charged 1.00 each and the next 10 units are charged .50 each. If your shipping units in the cart add up to 15 the cost will be 10.00

 Units:   Cost:   Total
5 X 1.00 = 5.00
10 X .50 = 5.00
15       10.00


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