*Fonts & Colors Defined

  • This section controls all the color options for your site as well as font options.
  • Font Style: This font applies to all elements on the page
  • Font Size: The main font size on the page
  • Small Font: The size of the smallest accent font
  • Large Font: The size of the larger page name font
  • Header Font: The size of the company name header font
  • Header Color: The color of the company name header font
  • Body Bkgd: The color of the page background
  • Body Text: The color of the main text on the page
  • Anchor Link: The color of the main links on the page
  • Anchor Hover: The hover color of the main links on the page (leave blank for no hover)
  • Line Color: The color of the horizontal lines between products (leave blank for no lines)
  • Sale Color: The color of sale prices and error messages
  • Accent Color: The color of tables with accents, such as the events calendar
  • Highlight Text: The color of highlighted text
  • Page Link: The color of page navigation links
  • Page Hover: The hover color of page navigation links (leave blank for no hover)
  • Product Link: The color of links within product layouts
  • Product Hover: The hover color of links within product layouts (leave blank for no hover)
  • Feature Link: The color of featured product links
  • Feature Hover: The hover color of featured product links (leave blank for no hover)
  • Email Link: The color of email a friend links
  • Email Hover: The hover color of email a friend links (leave blank for no hover)
  • Related Link: The color of related product links
  • Related Hover: The hover color of related product links (leave blank for no hover)
  • Pop Up Link: The color of pop up page links
  • Pop Up Hover: The hover color of pop up page links (leave blank for no hover)
  • Drill Down Link: The color of the drill down category navigation links
  • Drill Down Hover: The hover color of the drill down category navigation links (leave blank for no hover)
  • Cart Link: The color of the view cart link
  • Cart Hover: The hover color of the view cart link (leave blank for no hover)
  • Category Link: The color of the main category links for vertical or horizontal text links
  • Category Hover: The hover color of the main category links for vertical or horizontal text links (leave blank for no hover)
  • Sub Cat Link: The color of the sub category links for vertical or horizontal text links
  • Sub Cat Hover: The hover color of the sub category links for vertical or horizontal text links (leave blank for no hover)
  • End Cat Link: The color of the last end category links for vertical or horizontal text links
  • End Cat Hover: The hover color of the last end category links for vertical or horizontal text links (leave blank for no hover)
  • Nav Button Text: The color of the text if using tab, button or bar navigation styles
  • Nav Button Bkgd: The color of the background if using tab, button or bar navigation styles
  • Active Nav Text: The color of the text of the active tab, button or bar
  • Active Nav Bkgd: The color of the background of the active tab, button or bar
  • Hover Nav Text: The hover color of the text if using tab, button or bar navigation styles (leave blank for no hover)
  • Hover Nav Bkgd: The hover color of the background if using tab, button or bar navigation styles (leave blank for no hover)
  • Mobile Link: The color of the navigation links that appear on the drop down in a mobile device
  • Mobile Bkgd: The background color of the links that appear on the drop down in a mobile device
  • Mobile Hover Link: The hover color of the navigation links that appear on the drop down in a mobile device
  • Mobile Hover Bkgd: The hover background color of the links that appear on the drop down in a mobile device
  • Social Text: The color of the text on social media buttons
  • Social Bkgd: The color of the background on social media buttons
  • Social Border: The color of the border on social media buttons (leave blank for no border)
  • Social Hover: The color of the social media buttons when hovered over (leave blank for no hover)
  • Nav Border: The color of the border if using tab, button or bar navigation styles
  • Form Button Border: The color of the border for form buttons like order or search buttons (leave blank to use standard form buttons)
  • Form Button Text: The color of the text for form buttons like order or search buttons (leave blank to use standard form buttons)
  • Form Button Bkgd: The color of the background for form buttons like order or search buttons (leave blank to use standard form buttons)
  • 57 Users Found This Useful


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