Order Tracking

Use this area to view orders that have been placed through your shopping cart. Select the following:

  • View Orders: Displays all your current and past orders.Order Reports: Click "Monthly Totals" to view the total number of orders - along with the total amounts - ordered in each month.
    • Ordered Between: Select the starting and ending month and year. Orders displayed will be between, and will include, these two dates.
    • Keywords: If you wish to search only for orders with certain words in the bill to or ship to name, enter the words in the keyword box. The keyword search will also find a partial or entire email address, or an order number.
    • Status: You can display all orders, or limit your results more by displaying only on order items, only items shipped, only items that are back ordered, only items cancelled or only items that have been processed and are completed. Note that you are responsible for updating the status of each order, so if you have not changed the status of any of your orders, do not select a status here.
    • Order By: If you wish to display the orders in a particular order, select the order here. You can choose to display the orders by order date (newest first or oldest first), order totals (highest totals first or lowest first), number of items sold (highest first or lowest first), or by customer name (A to Z or Z to A).
    • Display Per Page: Select the number of orders you wish to show on each page.
  • Packing Slip Details: Update the logo and contact information on your packing slip.
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