Template Site Include Codes Defined

Use the bolded code to call the file name next to it. A description of the code is located below.
%BRAND% brand.php
Displays a drop down box containing all item brands, if any exist.
%CATEGORY_BAR% navbar_bar.php
Displays the categories in a colored, "light-up" bar horizontally displayed on the page. Category images are not shown.
%CATEGORY_BUTTONS% navbar_bar.php
Shows a list of all categories vertically in the catalog, using the format specified in the "Settings" in this administration area. If a navigation image is present, the text will be displayed over the image.
%CATEGORY_BULLETS% navbar_bar.php
Shows a list of all categories vertically in the catalog, using the format specified in the "Settings" in this administration area. If a navigation image is present, the text will be displayed to the right of the image.
%CATEGORY_DESCRIPTION% description.php
Shows the description of the category for the catalog, if one exists. For pages other than the catalog page, nothing appears.
%CATEGORY_DROPDOWN% categories.php
Shows a drop-down select box with all the category names listed within, to be used to search by category.
%CATEGORY_HORIZONTAL% navbar_horizontal.php
Shows a list of all categories horizontally in the catalog, using the format specified in the "Settings" in this administration area. Note: the horizontal category list is already included in the %NAVIGATION_HORIZONTAL% include.
%CATEGORY_LIST% navbar_lists.php
On the catalog page, this displays catalog categories vertically, using nested unordered list tags (</li>). The categories use the format specified in the administration area's vertical navigation bar in the catalog settings. To show only certain categories, use %CATEGORY_LIST_X% where X is the initial category id.
%CATEGORY_NAVIGATION% navbar_list.php
On the catalog page, this displays catalog categories in the format Catalog &gt; Category &gt; SubCategory, with no images
%CATEGORY_TABLE% navbar_table.php
Creates an automated vertical "button" list of all active categories in the system, in a table format. Category images are not shown.
%CATEGORY_TABS% navbar_tabs.php
Creates an automated horizontal list of tabs showing all active categories in the system. Category images are not shown.
%CATEGORY_VERTICAL% navbar_vertical.php
Shows a list of all categories vertically in the catalog, using the format specified in the administration area's vertical navigation bar in the catalog settings. To show only certain categories, use %CATEGORY_VERTICAL_X% where X is the initial category id. Note: the vertical category list is already included in the %NAVIGATION_VERTICAL% include.
%CONTENT% content.php
Shows the main content of the site - the content added to the "Pages" area and the product display for the catalog.
%COPYRIGHT% copyright.php
Shows a copyright notice with your site name and the current year.
%COUPONS% coupon.php
Displays a text box that customers can use to enter a coupon code into the system to obtain a discount. For use only with the coupon system.
%EMAIL_FRIEND% email.php
Shows an "Email a friend" link on all pages, which allows your visitors to send the page to others.
%FEATURED_COLUMN% featured.php
Shows a vertical column of three featured items with images (usually added to a side bar).
Shows a drop down select box with all the item numbers listed within, to be used to search by item number.
%LOGO% logo.php
Displays the uploaded logo, if one exists, on your page.
%META_TAGS% meta.php
Shows the dynamic meta descriptions and keywords of the page. Should be placed inside the <header></header> tag.
%MOBILE%    (2.9+)
Shows a mobile friendly menu (if a responsive template is used).
%NAVIGATION_HORIZONTAL% pagenav_horizontal.php
Shows an automated horizontal list of all active pages in the system. After the "Catalog" page, a horizontal list of active categories are shown. For page ordering, use %NAVIGATION_HORIZONTAL_X% where X is the group number (1-5) to display.
%NAVIGATION_VERTICAL% pagenav_vertical.php
Shows an automated vertical list of all active pages in the system. Under the "Catalog" page, a vertical list of active categories are shown, using the format specified in the "Settings" in this administration area. For page ordering, use %NAVIGATION_VERTICAL_X% where X is the group number (1-5) to display.
%PAGES_BAR% pagelist_bar.php
Displays the active pages in the system in a colored, "light-up bar" horizontally displayed on the page. Page images are not shown. For page ordering, use %NAVIGATION_HORIZONTAL_X% where X is the group number (1-5) to display.
%PAGES_BULLETS% pagelist_bar.php
Creates an automated vertical list of all active pages in the system. If a navigation image is present, the text will be displayed over the image. For page ordering, use %PAGES_VERTICAL_X% where X is the group number (1-5) to display.
%PAGES_BUTTONS% pagelist_bar.php
Creates an automated vertical list of all active pages in the system. If a navigation image is present, the text will be displayed to the right of the image. For page ordering, use %PAGES_VERTICAL_X% where X is the group number (1-5) to display.
%PAGES_HORIZONTAL% pagelist_horizontal.php
Creates an automated horizontal list of all active pages in the system. For page ordering, use %PAGES_HORIZONTAL_X% where X is the group number (1-5) to display.
%PAGES_LIST% pagelist_lists.php
Creates an automated unordered list of all active pages in the system. For page ordering, use %PAGES_LIST_X% where X is the group number (1-5) to display.
%PAGES_TABLE% pagelist_table.php
Creates an automated vertical "button" list of all active pages in the system, in a table format. Page images are not shown. For page ordering, use %PAGES_TABLE_X% where X is the group number (1-5) to display.
%PAGES_TABS% pagelist_tabs.php
Creates an automated horizontal list of tabs showing all active pages in the system. For page ordering, use %PAGES_TABS_X% where X is the group number (1-5) to display.
%PAGE_TITLE% title.php
Shows the title of the page (ie. "Home Page", "Catalog", "Links", etc.) or the header image.
%PAGES_VERTICAL% pagelist_vertical.php
Creates an automated vertical list of all active pages in the system. For page ordering, use %PAGES_VERTICAL_X% where X is the group number (1-5) to display.
%PRICE_DROPDOWN% price.php
Shows a drop-down select box with your price ranges listed within, to be used to search by price.
%SEARCH_CATALOG% search_catalog.php
Displays a keyword search box which customers can use to search for products in your catalog by keyword.
%SEARCH_SITE% search_site.php
Displays a keyword search box which customers can use to locate pages on your site (including FAQs or articles), categories, or products by keyword.
%SITE_LOGO% sitelogo.php
Displays the uploaded logo, if one exists. If a logo does not exist, displays the site name.
%SITE_MESSAGE% sitemessage.php
Displays whatever you have entered in the "Site Message" field (in the variables area of the administration section). The text appears on every page, and is often used to easily update sale messages or note specials site-wide.
%SITE_NAME% sitename.php
Displays the name of your web site in a header tag on your page.
%SITE_URL% <?php echo $urldir; ?>
Displays the URL of your web site, dynamically pulling the value from the 'Web Site URL' in the 'Site Settings'.
(e.g. <img src="%SITE_URL%/image.gif" />
%SOCIAL_MEDIA%    (2.9+)
Displays a list of social media links
%STYLE_SHEET% style.php
Sets the fonts and colors for the catalog. Should be placed inside the <head></head> tag. Use the existing style sheet as a guide when creating classes.
%TITLE_TAG% metatitle.php
Displays the category or product if selected, for use with search engines. Should be placed inside the <title></title> tag.
%VIEW_CART% viewcontents.php
Displays a "View Cart" link only.
%VIEW_CONTENT% viewcart.php
Displays a "View Cart" link, along with the quantity and total ordered.
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