Export data into a tab delimited CSV file.
- Product List Displays a formatted list of products, with a comma delimited list of categories, pop up pages and options, with one item on each line
- Items Displays the raw item data directly from the database, in which categories and pop up pages are represented by their ID numbers
- Customers Displays a list of bill-to customer contact data
- Wholesale Displays a list of wholesale vendor contact data
- Emails Displays a list of all order, wholesale, registry and guestbook emails
- Categories Displays a list of categories
- Pages Displays a list of pages in the site
- Articles Displays a list of site articles
- Order List Displays order details, with items appended in a comma delimited list at the end of each line
- Order Totals Displays order totals - number of orders, total amount, total tax, total discount, total shipping - on a per-month basis.
- Items Sold Displays items sold, along with the quantity sold, highest price sold, first date sold and last date sold
- Registrants Displays gift registry accounts, with registry products appended in a comma delimited list to the end of each line
- Item Reviews Displays a list of all items reviewed, along with their site visitor comments and store administrator replies.