Gift Registry

Gift registry or wish list registrants can maintain their own contact information. If you would like to manually add, edit or delete registrants, use this area to do so. Find a registrant by entering a keyword or event date to search on, or leave blank to view all registrants.
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Seotud artiklid

Articles Page

Some people use the Articles Page as a blog or a news / announcements page for their site. To use...

Event Calendar

Activate the Event Calendar page by going to Website / Pages in your storeadmin. Then go to...

FAQ Creator

Use this area to add, edit or delete frequently asked questions. Adding Questions: To add a...


Activate the guestbook page. When someone adds a message, they can enter their name, email...

Website Links Page

Click on Web Links on the right hand side of your admin and click add. Give your link a name, put...