Add Product Attributes (Options)

Product options are used to note colors, sizes, styles or other choices for a particular product. They may be selections (with or without prices associated with each selection), yes/no fields or areas to input text. To add options to a product, enter the following fields:

  • Name: This is the name you will call your option. For instance, if you want to add multiple colors to a product, you may use "Color" as the option name. Do not include a : after the option name, and avoid characters other than alpha-numeric characters.

  • Type: This sets the type of option this will be. You can select any of the following types:

    • Text Box: This option allows the customer to type in a word or short phrase for customizing or personalizing products. Do not enter anything in the "Attributes" field unless you want to show a default value to the customer. 
           ex.) Baby blanket is customized with the child's first name.

    • Drop Down: This option allows the customer to choose one of several sizes, colors, styles, fabric, etc. from a list of choices in a select box on the catalog page. Each choice may or may not have prices associated with it. 
           ex.) Candle comes in red, pink, yellow and green. 
           ex.) T-Shirt comes in small or large, where the large costs $2 more than the small.

    • Radio Button: This option allows the customer to choose one of several sizes, colors, styles, fabric, etc. from a list of choices with radio buttons. Each choice may or may not have prices associated with it. 
           ex.) Candle comes in red, pink, yellow and green. 
           ex.) T-Shirt comes in small or large, where the large costs $2 more than the small.

    • Check Box: This option creates a check box on the catalog page that passes a value on to the cart. This value can be a value (ie. "Yes") or a price value (ie. "5.00"). 
           ex.) Book can be gift wrapped for an additional $4.50 
           ex.) Lamp can have alternate trim added at no additional charge.

    • Memo Field: This option allows the customer to type in several words or long phrases for customizing or personalizing products. Do not enter anything in the "Attributes" field unless you want to show a default value to the customer. 
           ex.) Baby blanket is customized with the child's full name and birth month/day/year.

  • Attributes: Attributes are choices that you wish to give to your customers. Most choices can have a price associated with them. The first option's choices can also have units associated with them, for use when calculating shipping costs.

    • Default Values: For text boxes or memo fields, you can enter a value in the "Attributes" field to show a default value in that text box or memo field. 
      ex.) If you are selling a candy wrapper, and would like to ask a customer to enter his or her name, you might set the following to prompt the customer to enter his or her name in the box: 
           Attributes: Enter Your Name

    • Option Choices: Drop down boxes and radio buttons may provide the customer with unlimited choices. These choices may have prices associated with them if desired. (Note: prices are added onto the regular price.) The very first option may have a shipping unit associated with it. For best results when creating option choices for drop down or radio button boxes, click the "Attribute Wizard" link and enter your choices. Or you can add the attributes manually, using the format:

      • Choice~Choice~Choice for choices without prices

      • Choice:Price~Choice:Price~Choice:Price for choices with a price

      • Choice:Price:Units~Choice:Price:Units~Choice:Price:Units for choices with prices and units 
        (only available on the first option)

      ex.) If you are selling a pet bowl that comes in a small variety for $10.00 and a large for $15.00, and you have set a regular (base) price of $10.00 for this item, you would use the attributes: 
           Attributes: Small Bowl:0~Large Bowl:5.00

    • Check Boxes:  Check boxes can be used for options that will only be added to the shopping cart when that option is checked. Check boxes can have text or price values associated with them. 
      ex.) If you are selling a hat with matching gloves for $15.00, you might create an option called "Matching Gloves" with the type "Check Boxes", then enter the attributes: 
           Attributes: 15.00

  • Active: If this option is active, it will be displayed on the site. If you wish to remove the option temporarily, set this value to "No" to make that option inactive. It will not be removed permanently, but will not show on the site. To show it again, simply change this field to "Yes" again.

  • Product Attributes, Sizes, Colors, Product Options
  • 6 utilizatori au considerat informaţia utilă
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