
 *Catalog Setup Defined

Mals-E Cart ID: Enter your Mals-E cart account number (not password) here Currency: Enter...

 *Fonts & Colors Defined

This section controls all the color options for your site as well as font options. Font Style:...

 *Site Settings Defined

Company: Enter your company name, which will appear as a header on your site if you do not have a...

 Add An Email A Friend Link On Your Product Pages

To add a link to all of your products so that visitors will be able to email the link to a...

 How to add your site name to the copyright notice displayed on your site

Our templates include the %COPYRIGHT% placeholder code in them so that you have full control over...

 How to change the color of linked text on your pages

You change the colors of hyper links on all of your pages from fonts and colors section of your...

 How to change the default font for your site

Log into your storeadmin Go to Adminstration / Fonts & Colors Change the name of the font...

 How to change the email address for your contact page

Log into your storeadmin Go to Administration / Site Settings Enter your email address in the...

 Inline Frame vs. Normal Window

Would you like to list the cart in a standard web page, or embedded into an iframe on your site?...

 Storeadmin Password

To change your storeadmin password go to Administration / Password. Type in the new password,...

 Why aren't more fonts installed in the online editor?

The reason we don't install a lot of fonts in the editor is that if you use a font on your site...